
本命年,四处求红绳未果。 只得值些生日之际。 把从黄山带回来的很精致的石头印章, 的上面的流苏剪两段下来。 再去厨房点燃香香的蜡烛。做了个红绳。 这是红色年。


我坚强个P,很容易就哭了。(过程见引用部分) 开学快两个星期,带过快要累死的lab,也有一个人也不来的。我得学着淡定。 课也慢慢在上。听不懂的东西还有很乖的到wiki上查然后发到kindle上看。虽然都是每天快睡死过去的时候看的。 我又要大一岁了。 我有时候会抽风的想想,那些突然变成女同性恋的人也蛮正常的。 也会突然想想,什么时候的以后,我要有一个小朋友了,我应该才会坚强起来。因为有一个有会很需要很需要我。会一直陪着我啊,好吧,到ta长到青春期离家出走之前。 想想而已。远着呢~ 111: 呵呵 是不是快过生日了 你? meng: ms是的。 还有几天 hoho 111: 我昨天的日历提示我了 提前祝福你把,估计那天我在火车上 meng: 呜呜~ 111: 不是祝福你又老了,而是我们的蒙娃可以一个人坚强的在异地他乡过生日 坚强了 meng: 把我都感动得真哭了~ 111: 长大了 meng: 坚强个p 还不是哭了。。。 111: 别阿,坚强,一切都会好的 加油,看好你啦

Hornet and Grit

Today was like really Saturday except it was Saturday actually. Though I kinda have accepted life is like this and still, a chance to walk on the streets of big city downtown or watch a movie, or even two, is great for not feeling gloomy. Pain in the ass of taking a 50mm lens for […]

I just want to get some panorama done. D…

I just want to get some panorama done. Didnt expect that taking me several hours trying to find the ok one. 1. calico : She has this advantage of reading shooting times of those photos and put them in several groups automatically. But recognizing patterns is not so good. 2. doubletake: He got a lot […]

It seems today is “腊八节”, according to …

It seems today is “腊八节”, according to the bing dictionary. It is Laba Rice Porridge Festival. And it tells me that Laba opens the prelude of the spring festival. I have never had Laba before in China officially. But I do remember that there was one time someone brought different kinds of beans and rice […]


I slept until very late today again, the same with past many days. Today’s dream is very comfortable to live in and see what will happen next. It was about two lions that can transformed to human and two actually humans. And the love relationship among those guys. Sadly I dont remember which character was […]


It makes a lot difference after 20 minutes driving. Very reluctantly to say, today was my first time to actually tour around Phoenix downtown in the day time. Though I have been the US Airway Center before, never spent time walking around. Ok, one more item on weekend to-do list: walk around phx downtown. After […]


今天有同学roadtrip路过投宿。 我还是第一次在异国见老同学。真是激动得很平静。 大家凑在一起看了个电影。 电影里说生活就是修行。 这么说倒也有道理的。 这一路遇见的人,都得是给自己增光添彩的。 我也很想以后有一个亲自在场的告别会,其实我是想以后不照了的话,到处跑去见各路人貌似得来不及的,如果等见完人再离去怕又是认识新人,总也挂不了了。 但是,谁知道以后还能记得谁呢? 我在修行,阿弥陀佛。


新的一年蹭蹭的就来了。 都来了一个星期了。 想想新的一年要有什么愿望呢。现在想是不是有点晚。今天本命年了。反正我已然有一大堆红色的东西。 不过,这里似乎没有红色的underwear买的。 好吧,还是要想resolution的。 嗯。想好了。